#Luvnilovestorys – Simply Ecstatic PK Verdict: Gold****

January 31, 2020
Pratik GandhiDeeksha JoshiShraddha DangarVyoma NandiHardik SanganiJitendra ThakkarMehul BuchAlpana Buch
Comedy , Romance
#Luvnilovestorys – Simply Ecstatic
Off late what has hooked us on OTTs is endless thrillers filled with abuse be it sex, crime, violence. To find something light that simply cheers you up is a miracle. Specially when you have seen the actor in a completely different avatar.
Love ni Love Storys is a Gujrati film starring the SCAM STAR Pratik Gandhi. We thank Hansal Mehta for giving us SCAM1992 that introduced Pratik Gandhi to our world and now we continue to peep into his line of work.
Streaming on Amazon, the film is simple yet engaging and entertaining. If you end up checking out the trailer first, it does gives you a gist of what the plot is, but it is the magic of the execution that holds your interest and wins your heart. The film is written and Directed by Durgesh Tanna, most of the times when one directs what they wrote the soul doesn’t really leave the body, that reflects deeply in this film. The writing magic is well executed with the right amount of humor keeping it subtle and consistent throughout.
The film doesn’t leave its breeziness for a second. The director succeeds to keep a smile on your face throughout the film. You will laugh out loud watching Pratik doing a SRK gig. The film has not one but three actresses Pratik is trying to strike his cupid with. Finding love is not easy, one may hop from one girl to another, but love happens only when it has to happen. Durgesh’s story telling is brilliant and for such a simple film too he ensures the film has the right twists keeping you hooked to know with whom he ends up with. An honest film made with great simplicity.
Rest of the cast you would feel it like the family, adding up all the elements rightly.
Have it on your watchlist this weekend.
PK Verdict: Gold****